Awards In Italian Culture 2023

Giulio Manieri Elia

Born in Rome, he graduated there in History of Art at La Sapienza University; he obtained a diploma from the School of Specialization at the same Institute, and a Phd in History and Conservation of Works of Art and Architecture at the University of Roma Tre. He taught Theory and History of Restoration at the University of Calabrie and Museology at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. 

He has been Director of the Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia since May 2019, but was Deputy Director of the same museum from 2009 to 2013 and Delegate Director from 2013 to 2015. He also directed the Museum of Palazzo Grimani from 2012 to 2015. 

Restoration and Museology are the disciplines he has studied most. In his formative years, he worked on the history of protection and restoration, particularly in Umbria after the unification of Italy. 

Having entered service at the Superintendence of Venice in 2000, he has gained considerable experience in the management of restoration works, directing interventions on works by, among others: Jacobello del Fiore, Giovanni and Gentile Bellini (Cycle of the True Cross, The Miracle at the Bridge of San Lorenzo and The Miracle in Piazza San Marco), Vittore Carpaccio (Cycle of Sant'Orsola and The Miracle at the Rialto Bridge), Cima da Conegliano, Giorgione (La Vecchia restoration supported by FIAC and the Nude) Jeronimus Bosch, Tintoretto, Veronese (Ester cycle of the church of San Sebastiano), Titian (Pesaro Altarpiece and Assumption of the Frari Basilica), Pietro da Cortona, Luca Giordano, Francesco Solimena, Giambattista Tiepolo and Giambattista Piazzetta, etc. Many of these interventions have been presented at conferences and published in scientific journals or volumes. 

He oversaw the project and is leading the exhibition reorganization of the entire Accademia Galleries (ground floor and first floor), as part of the fourth scientific exhibition of the museum. He was also involved in the reconstruction of the history of the museum's collections, from the origins of the Institution to the scientific exhibitions of Giulio Cantalamessa, Gino Fogolari and Vittorio Moschini.

Previous FIAC Awards

Anne Pasternak

Massimo Osanna

Paola D’Agostino
Xavier F. Salomon

Gabriele Finaldi
Richard Armstrong

Paola Marini
Ian Wardropper

Davide Gasparotto
Eike Schmidt

Mariella Utili
Eric M. Lee

Thomas P. Campbell

Colin B. Bailey
Daniela Porro

Brian J. Ferriso
Antonia Pasqua Recchia

Glenn Lowry
Rossella Vodret

Malcolm Rogers
Roberto Cecchi

Anne Poulet
Nicola Spinosa

Phillip de Montebello
Cristina Acidini

David Alan Brown
Salvatore Settis

Keith Christiansen
Antonio Paolucci